Residential Locksmithing Services
We at Locksmith Connections feel proud to provide you a complete and trusted residential locksmith service
Residential Locksmith Services

Our local mobile technicians provide every type of home locksmith service and residential needs.
Home Lockouts, Deadbolt, or Any type of new lock Installations, Repair Replace or install new locks & many more services at your convenience!
Know the difference: replacing vs. rekeying
Replacing the locks on a door can involve both replacing the door and re-encrypting it. Both methods ensure that old keys no longer open the lock.
Replacing Door Locks
Replace the door locks. The most comprehensive method of ensuring security is to remove the existing door lock (including the handle if it is a handle and lock combination) and then install a new lock in its place. Expect to pay $80- $300 per slot, depending on quality, and up to $200 more for a professional installation. However, many door locks are DIY-friendly and come with installation instructions.
Rekeying Door Locks
In apartment complexes, this is now the most common way to replace locks on a door. As the key is reinserted, the pins and springs realign within the lock to match the lock with a new key. If you want to have it done professionally, expect to pay between $80 and $160 for a locksmith to do the job.
Lock Rekeying

Need to change your locks or rekey your locks? To be on top of your home security and ensure you give access only to whom you decide – Rekeying your locks will ensure that and provide you full security of your house.
You don’t have to change your locks if you lost your keys, our residential locksmiths can provide you with a new key and rekey your current locks to fit only that new key.
Rekeying When you Move
When a new home is being built, a variety of people, including subcontractors, inspectors, and real estate agents, will have the keys to the door. A new owner doesn’t want the keys to be in the hands of all those people, so the lock has to be re-keyed. This is usually part of the sales process (and the responsibility of the contractor). Every time you move to a different house, rekeying your house door locks is a good idea because you never know how many keys are floating around. When you buy an existing home, you need to re-key the locks. If you are renting, check your lease for the rules on how to replace a door lock. You may need to provide the owner with a key for the newly encrypted lock.
Consider the convenience of a single key.
It’s annoying going through half a dozen keys because the front door key doesn’t fit in the back or side door locks and vice versa. The convenience of a single key that fits all the locks in your home (including the garage) can be achieved by rekeying, as long as you have the same brand of locks on all doors. Rekeying techniques (and key styles) vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, if all the locks in your house are Schlage, you can re-encrypt them all to fit the same key. If the locks are from different brands, you will need to replace some of them so that they are all re-keyed to accept a single key.
Home Lock Repair

Rekeying your lock isn’t the best solution and your locks needed to be repaired. If not cared occasionally locks get worn out pretty easily. Are your house locks damaged?
Need to repair your house locks? Our professional licensed Residential Locksmith technicians respond quickly with all the experience, knowledge & tools needed to repair your locks.
Give our local residential Locksmith a call and get your lock repaired today!
Replace damaged locks.
Like all mechanisms with moving parts, a lock eventually wears out. Locking the wrong key in a lock or just the repeated locking and unlocking movement of the door over time can damage the internal mechanism, causing the key to become stiff or stuck or difficult to turn. Replacing the key with a damaged or worn lock does not solve the problem, as it cannot make a worn lock new. Existing problems with the locking mechanism will persist. In this situation, it is better to bite the bullet and replace the entire lock. Learn More about Most common problems with door locks .
Home Lock Installation

Our professional licensed Residential Locksmith technicians have the right tools and knowledge and can install new locks in your residence.
Do you need a high security lock system or keyless entry locks? We will locate a locksmith near your location that will be ready to install, change, or repair these locks at anytime, any day.
Our residential licensed mobile Locksmiths have Fast Response! They come with all the right tools needed to handle your home lock installation. Give your our residential Locksmith a call and get your new house locks installed today!
Change of locks in case of loss or theft of keys.
If your home keys are ever stolen, one of the first things you should do is change the locks on your doors so that no one can access your home. Rekeying is the preferred method in this situation, as would be the case if a family member loses or loses sight of a key. The only case where you need to replace the entire lock is if the only key to the lock has been lost. The rekeying process requires the use of an original key – if you don’t have one, you will need to replace the entire lock.
Better locks mean better security.
After a burglary or a burglary outbreak in the neighborhood, many homeowners upgrade to more secure locks. Modern door locks offer the latest technology that enhances and simplifies home security. Many of today’s locks have a keypad with a code instead of an old key to open the door. The keypad can be programmed to accept a numeric code that can be easily reset to a new code if necessary.
High-tech has gone even deeper into home security, through smart locks that sync with a mobile phones, tablets, or PCs so you can lock and unlock your door remotely. Smart locks also send an alert to your device if the door is opened in your absence.
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