Home Security Lessons for Children
Maintaining a high level of security in your home becomes an even higher priority when living with children, as protecting them outweighs anyone’s desire to protect even their most expensive valuables. However, what many homeowners do not understand is that sometimes children can endanger the security infrastructure of someone’s home due to their innocence and lack of knowledge of the systems in place to protect them. Here’s a guide with some valuable home safety tips to teach your kids.
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Home alarm systems

Home alarm systems
Be sure to teach your children how to operate your home alarm system. Home alarm systems automatically notify authorities when suspicious activity or entry is detected, allowing quick response to events such as burglary or burglary. Be sure to explain exactly what the home security system is, why it is installed, and how to turn the system on and off.
Demonstrate how the alarm sounds to children to allay any potential fears if it is accidentally triggered, and be sure to take a few practice walks with them to turn the system on or off to make sure they understand how to do it. Ideally, create an arming / disarming code that is complex enough that criminals won’t guess it, but easy enough to remember so your kids can easily memorize the code.
Locks on windows or doors

Locks on windows or doors
It is estimated that more than 35 percent of burglaries occur as a result of unlocked windows, doors, or garages. Be sure to teach your children to lock the door when they leave the house and understand the importance of not leaving accessible windows open. Consider installing a smart home system that can alert you when windows or doors are open.
Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness
Parents must teach children exactly what to do in an emergency. These events include home fires (establish multiple escape routes from the home and a gathering place outside the home to congregate) break-ins (an area near a neighbor’s home or a secure hidden area in the home to gather without An intruder). likely to find.) Teach children to find a safe area first and then to call the emergency number in case of emergency.
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