Institutional Locksmiths’
Great Lakes
Story Coverage

Institutional Locksmiths’
Great Lakes
Lisle, IL 60532
Click Here for the Best 10 Locksmiths in Naperville, IL or look for your area in Dupage County, Illinois |
We are locksmiths, carpenters, and building engineers employed by and/or working for colleges, universities, hospitals, companies, institutions and government facilities. We are involved in the installation, servicing, maintenance, specifying and/or recommending of security and life safety hardware.
Together, and individually, we are dedicated to the improvement of our profession. We strive to educate ourselves and increase our knowledge and ability, for our benefit and for the benefit of the institutions that we serve.
We strive to encourage good fellowship among our members by cooperating in advancing the best interests of the profession and the voluntary interchange of experience, training, and special knowledge.
U.S. Mail:
P.O. Box 9554
Naperville, IL. 60567
” February 12, 2015
Presentation by Allegion
Steven Wehofer Electronic Access Specialist
Schlage Introduces the New NDE Series Wireless lock with ENGAGE Technology
The food will be provided by Allegion
This Meeting will be held at the Carpenters Training Center Main Building
Second Floor, Lecture Hall A
Enter from the West Parking lot
Food at 6:30 P.M.
Presentation at 7:00 P.M.
General Membership Meeting follows the presentation
Regarding the Free Associate Tabletops available for any meeting
” March 12, 2015
No Presentation Scheduled at this time
Presentation by :
The food will be provided by
This Meeting will be held at the Carpenters Training Center Main Building
Second Floor, Lecture Hall A
Enter from the West Parking lot
Food at 6:30 P.M.
Presentation at 7:00 P.M.
General Membership Meeting follows the presentation Regarding the Free Associate Tabletops available for any meeting

” April 9, 2015
Presentation by COMPX
Dan McGowan
The food will be provided by
This Meeting will be held at the Carpenters Training Center Main Building
Second Floor, Lecture Hall A
Food at 6:30 P.M.
Presentation at 7:00 P.M.
General Membership Meeting follows the presentation
Regarding the Free Associate Tabletops available for any meeting