How to unlock a car door when you have locked yourself Out.
Here are some tips to get back in without damaging your car.
Oh oh It really happened. You pull your car door handle and. Nothing! You are locked out and you can see the keys on the console. Yuck.
What steps can you take to unlock your car door if it has been locked? While many push-button start vehicles have protections designed to prevent this, locks are still a problem for millions of drivers whose vehicles use conventional keys for ignition and door locks (and this is true for drivers whose cars have electronic key fobs.

Call a Locksmith—or Not
If this happens to you and you are a member of the American Automobile Association (AAA), you can get help from a locksmith by calling this organization. The free lockout service is a benefit of the AAA membership.
You can also call a locksmith directly, Locksmithconnections.com lists the best ones in your area, for example here are the Top 10 Best Locksmith in Chicago, IL. Some will handle automatic locks, but of course you will have to pay out of pocket for their services. Click here for The Best Locksmith in Your Location
If you don’t have a AAA membership and would rather not pay for a locksmith, there are alternatives. Here you will find everything you need to know about how to open a car door with the keys in place.

Lockout Apps and Roadside Assistance
Some automakers offer smartphone apps that you can use to access your car during a lockdown. For example, with a General Motors OnStar subscription, you can use an app to remotely unlock your Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, or GMC. BMW and Hyundai offer similar applications, as do several other automakers. Check your car manufacturer’s website to see if a downloadable lock app is available.
There is another way automakers can provide assistance during a lockdown: If you have a new or certified pre-owned vehicle, your automobile manufacturer can provide roadside assistance free of charge for the first few years of ownership. In many cases, this service covers exclusions. If you own a vehicle that was purchased new or as part of a Certified Pre-Owned program, check the manufacturer’s website to see if it qualifies for roadside assistance.

Use a cable to unlock the door
A long, sturdy cord, such as a shoelace, can help you unlock your car door. Note that this method will only work on cars with a traditional post-type door lock with a small button on the top (as shown above). To unlock a car door with a rope:
• Tie a slip knot in the middle of the thread. (Don’t know how? Learn!)
• Use a doorstop or a thin piece of wood to carefully open a gap between the top of the front door window frame and the vehicle body (as far back as possible on the top door frame). Too aggressive, this process can bend the door frame, creating an air leak and a hiss of wind, so be careful.
• Use the opening made to lower the slip knot in the car cabin.
• Tighten the ends of the wire until the slip knot is around the door lock post, under the knotty top end.
• Tighten the slip knot around the post by pulling on both ends of the cable.
• Once the knot is in place, pull the pole to unlock the car.

Try a wire or rod coat hanger.
You can also use a straightened wire rod or hanger to save the day during a lockout. This method works best on cars with electric door locks and armrest lock buttons.
• Use a doorstop or a thin piece of wood to carefully pry a gap between the top of one of the car’s front door window frames and your body. Drive slowly and be careful not to damage the vehicle.
• Slide the rod or straightened coat hanger into the opening you made.
• Use the bar or coat rack to slide or press the car door lock button or button and open the car door.
Remember that it is extremely difficult to keep a rope or wire hanger in place in such a limited space. It can be time consuming and many try to put these makeshift tools in place, but it is possible (we speak from experience). Be patient and don’t give up! One of these methods can help you unlock your car doors when it is locked.
For Further Assistance with your Car Door Unlocking – click here for The Best Locksmith Near You
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